The association a consumer has with a company, product, and/or service, usually taking a visual, verbal, or audible form.
Think: Golden Arches (McDonald’s), “Make America Great Again” (Donald Trump), or “da-da-da; da-da-da” (SportsCenter).
In extreme cases, brands can become synonymous with concepts or the products themselves. For example, the brand, “Kleenex” has become interchangeable with the product, “tissue,” much the way that Congress’ brand is synonymous with the concepts of inaction and incompetence.
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Finance: What is Brand Equity?3 Views
Finance allah shmoop what is brand equity Okay wait That's
brand equity high fiber yet not relevant Friend equity is
the value your brand carries Like how people feel about
it Do they love it Aided fear it recognize it
Do they need to be told to go out and
buy it Or do they just order that ford truck
without being prompted ninety seven times between penalty flags and
dealings at football games Well brand equity is usually linked
to a few things like one the number of people
who have heard of your brand e known has ever
heard of your brand Well a then you might not
have one to how much people respect and like your
brand If people hate your brand well you might have
negative brand equity For example al qaeda brand aspirin probably
would not do so well at least in america Three
your brand reputation hi brand equity is a name you
recognize easily and like or trust and that might be
something like a bmw or disney or pampers if you're
still on the road two continents and for how readily
your brand is recognized Yeah shmoop anyone uh we recognized
yet are we almost a brand We're trying Ok quick
quiz to see if you were paying attention What was
number two Right to shake Get out of