Burial Insurance
Categories: Insurance
Amidst the trauma of losing a loved one, you are also hit with very expensive funeral and burial costs. Those who want to help ease the pain of their survivors in advance of The End...might purchase burial insurance.
Also known as final expense insurance to cover that big credit card bill you ran up on your last hurrah in Tahiti, burial insurance will cover all or part of your burial and funeral expenses.
Usually purchased by those in their golden years, the typical coverage ranges from $2,000 to $50,000 for those desiring an unusually large party. If you fear your family will take the insurance proceeds and skip town, you can assign the policy directly to the funeral home of your choice.
Crying at the funeral is, as always, optional.
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Finance: What is a tombstone?1 Views
finance a la shmoop what is a tombstone? yeah not that thing it's an announcement [A gravestone appears in a field]
and yes it might seem strange for that to be on a tombstone because well
usually you'd put something there that you know died or at least died the first [Man discussing tombstones and zombie Lincoln appears]
time so tombstones used to be a common way of announcing a securities offering
in one form or another that is a company completed in IPO a company placed a
billion dollars of debt securities with a bunch of Harry mutual funds or a
company was sold to a much bigger company or a company was taken out of [Types of announcements appear]
bankruptcy with the kindly loving care of banks and other interested parties so
then why the tombstone when it feels like these companies have been given
life all of the sudden what was put to rest here answer uncertainty the
tombstone was the death of confusion surrounding this particular security or
offering or company and generally speaking the tombstones look like this [A company tombstone appears]
and this and yeah this [Zombie Lincoln in a grave]