LIBOR Scandal
Categories: Credit, Ethics/Morals
We global citizens looked up to LIBOR, the London Interbank Offered Rate, for so long. LIBOR is the short-term interest rate that global banks use to lend each other money, which has rippling effects into consumer markets and the general economy. We looked up to LIBOR until the dreaded...and perhaps inevitable...LIBOR scandal.
While LIBOR is kind of like the Fed Funds rate in the U.S., there is one very important distinction: the Fed Funds rate is set by the Fed, and LIBOR is not “set,” but rather is based on an aggregate equilibrium...good old supply and demand.
The LIBOR scandal revealed that LIBOR was not so natural after all. What we thought was the market’s natural short-term interest rate was actually “set” like the Fed Funds rate is set, but rather than being set by a governmental agency, it was set by the big banks themselves. Global banks reported their interest rates falsely...either higher or lower than what was the truth. By deflating and inflating interest rates, banks were making money off trades, and making themselves look much more stable and trustworthy financially than they really were.
The LIBOR scandal happened in 2012, which showed that interest rate manipulation probably cost U.S. governments (fed and local) around $6 billion. LIBOR manipulation helped fuel the 2008 financial crisis, since LIBOR is used globally, including in the U.S. subprime mortgage market. It’s safe to say the LIBOR scandal led to more regulations worldwide in the finance market. The LIBOR rate itself was rehoused to try to get it out of the fraudsters’ hands. Time will tell if it works.
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Finance: What is LIBOR?21 Views
Finance allah shmoop what is a lie Boer No it's
not the result of these two zoo animals Mating lie
Boer stands for london interbank offering rate And it's basically
just the british quote fed unquote central bank rate reflecting
the absolute lowest interest rate at which the british banking
system well loan money to its best Most well heeled
customers like you know sainsbury's and bp and barclays and
the guy who plans royal weddings So library is the
best or cheapest rate at which the british banking system
will lend money Most loans come at some premium to
lie before i risk your loans might come in something
like on a live or plus fifty basis points or
something like that so that if lie boris currently quoted
at two point two five percent interest well then the
lie bore plus fifty loan would be loaned out at
two point seven five percent interest And libras important has
been around forever and much of the world uses it
as thie pegging number two then add some risk percentage
on top of it when they quote loans to whoever
they're loaning money to That's basically it No need for 00:01:08.819 --> [endTime] any wild animals teo you know get wild