The purpose of any commercial venture is to create value. You start with lemons, sugar, and ice, then you put them together to make lemonade. In mathematical/capitalist terms, you take $2 of ingredients and make a drink for which people are willing to pay $5.
That concept represents the dynamic behind "market value added." The phrases refers to the amount of value a company has added to the amount of money invested.
A bunch of investors pool $25 million and found a company. They hire smart managers, who turn that $25 million into a company worth $60 million. That situation represents an MVA of $35 million...the $60 million market value minus the $25 million invested in the venture.
In mathematical terms, the MVA represents the difference between the firm's market value and the amount of capital contributed by investors and lenders (so it includes both equity and debt).
The equation: MVA = V - K
V equals the market value and K stands in for all the contributed capital.
MVA can also have a negative value. If that happens, managers should be fired, and maybe everyone should just cut their losses. The company is now worth less than the amount of capital invested: the venture has lost value.
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Econ: How Do Companies Add Value?1 Views
And finance Allah shmoop How do companies add value All
right people think about the way people improve things Give
him you know that little extra Take ice cream Ice
cream is good but a Sunday is better The ice
cream palace charges four dollars fifty cents for two scoops
of ice cream but take those same two scoops and
add whipped cream chocolate sauce A handful of knots Bunch
colored sprinkles plunk a cherry on top Now they can
charge seven dollars fifty cents rights three dollars more Why
while they added value the whipped cream chocolate and sprinkles
make the tree way more special If Little Billy doesn't
get his sprinkles or his cherry on top well he's
going to throw a fit He's going to cry and
stomp his feet and generally make more than three dollars
of misery for his parents They might not think the
extra three bucks worth the stuff is worth the three
additional dollars it takes to turn ice cream into a
Sunday there But they definitely think it through the day
without a temper tantrum is worth those three bucks so
they fork over the money and it's likely all those
extra toppings cost the ice cream servers way less than
three dollars It was ah high margin product costume maybe
twenty five cents Fifty Send something like that huge contribution
of profits when they add on those three bucks worth
of stuff Okay next up What about water Well water
is fine It's cheap It keeps you alive But give
it that little extra and water becomes a health hydration
beverage Take water from the tap basically free Now add
some vitamin C powder Mix in some artificial blueberry flavor
and a little coloring Put it all in a bottle
and then slap a label on it Now you've got
Big Paul's bonus Health Hydration Beverage Five dollars seventy five
cents for a twelve ounce bottle Big value added big
profit margin to the cellar Well the concept of value
added describes the amount you increase the utility or the
quality or the value of a product to the buyer
through whatever process you deploy you get a product or
some raw materials You do something to it It gets
more useful or at least it gets generally better In
some way you've added value to it Turn warm secretions
into silk turns Silk thread in the fabric Turn silk
fabric into sheets You silk sheets to help give the
honeymoon suite at the Paluch a Ville Interstate Motel six
Cinderella Lodge It's special charm adding value all the way
at a back flap Toe prospector underwear There we go
Put satellite radio in your car Gee that's a good
one Add color to an old movie Good turn Pig
snouts and pigeon spleens in tow Hot dog Dodger Dogs
Put a bow on a puppy All value added situations
Or send Billy to stay with his grand parents for
the weekend so they can deal with his ice cream
addiction for a couple of days You know good luck
with that Definitely something his parents would consider value added
grandparenting Yeah can
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