We thought living in a tiny house would be awesome when we first bought ours, but after six months of banging our head on the low loft ceiling and storing all of our clothes under the fold-out table in the living-slash-dining space, we’re ready to upsize. We had been planning on using a realtor to sell our tiny house, but then our friend Patty came over and said she wanted to buy it. “Fantastic,” we say, but since we’re parked out in the middle of nowhere and can’t really draw up a contract at the moment, we decide to make an MOU instead.
An MOU, or “memorandum of understanding,” is basically the same thing as a letter of intent. It’s a document that establishes an agreement between two or more parties, and it’s usually a precursor to a more formal contract.
So in this case, we sit down with Patty and scribble down the deets of the deal: she’ll pay us $20,000 total for our itty bitty abode, including a down payment of $4,000 and monthly payments due the first of the month every month after that. She’ll take possession as soon as the down payment transfers, and we’re shooting for a closing date 30 days from now. We each sign the document in blood—or with a pen, if there's one handy—and then, when we return to civilization, we can turn our MOU into something more official and legally binding.
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Finance: What is a Commitment Letter?5 Views
Finance a la shmoop what is a commitment letter? dear Rebecca it's been fun and
all but asking me to move in with you was a real turnoff so uh have a nice [Rebecca reading letter]
life yeah that would be a fear of commitment letter I know that one well
well so what's a commitment letter then all right well you need dough but you
don't need it today you need it in six months when construction is finished on
your cabin by the lake at that point you'll convert your very expensive
building loan into a normal mortgage well you can go to the bank and for a [Man walks into bank]
small ish fee get a commitment letter from them which stipulates that assuming
nothing material changes between now and then you will in fact then get a loan
for one hundred fifty two thousand dollars at 5 percent fixed interest rate
for 30 years the bank is then committed to giving you that loan when you know [Contract stamped with committed]
eventually you need it that way you don't have to worry about your bank you
know breaking up with you which is nice because it's tough getting
the It's not you it's me speech from a guy in a bowtie [Man wearing bow tie talking to a man in the bank]
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