Mercantile Safe Burglary
Categories: Ethics/Morals
“We remember it like it was yesterday,” we say, leaning back in our recliner. The year was 1998 and our toy store had been burglarized. Amidst all the chaos, we realized two things: one, our entire stock of Furbys had been stolen. And two, the safe in the back room had been broken into and several hundred dollars in cash was missing.
Luckily, we had mercantile safe burglary coverage, a provision in our property insurance policy that covers stuff taken from a safe during a burglary. The Dastardly Furby Heist of 1998 was never solved, but at least our losses were covered.
Today, mercantile safe burglary coverage has largely been phased out (kind of like the Furby, now that we think about it). Most of the time, the standard language in our property insurance policy will cover stuff in our safes without needing any extra provisions.