“NOMADs,” or “nominated advisors,” are companies approved by the London Stock Exchange to help other companies get listed on AIM, the LSE’s Alternative Investment Market. NOMADs are like life coaches for emerging growth organizations that are trying to make it to the financial big time. They look at the business’s financial records, business practices, management personnel, overall performance, and much more, and if they like what they see, they’ll help them apply for an AIM listing. If the company is approved, their NOMAD sticks with them to provide sage advice and make sure they’re in compliance with all the rules.
If anyone out there is thinking that being a NOMAD sounds like a lot of fun and they want to know where to apply for the job, sad news: individuals can’t be NOMADs. Only firms can be NOMADs. And not just any firm, either. We’ve got to have at least four qualified financial advising experts on staff (maybe that’s the job to apply for), we have to have been involved in corporate finance for at least two years, and we have to have at least three financial advising experiences on our résumé before we can even be considered.
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Finance: What is Nominal Rate?32 Views
finance a la shmoop. what is the nominal rate?
hmm well a nominal rate is the named rate of interest on a bond. here's a bond
Eastern Airlines famously bankrupt a zillion years ago. but what's key here is [bond shown]
the nominal rate on the face of the bond right here. that .you see that 11 and 3/4
percent thing? that's the nominal rate the named rate of interest on the bond.
but when the bond was sold it was actually somewhat better than lukewarm
or almost hot offering and it sold for a hundred five cents on the dollar or a
five percent premium to the nominal rate. so investors did not in fact receive the [woman holds bond]
nominal rate because they paid slightly more than the thousand dollars our value
of the bond. they paid a thousand fifty. so instead they received eleven point
seven five divided by 1.05 or about eleven point two percent in interest.
that was the real return they got. the 11 and three-quarters percent? yeah that's [equation shown]
the nominal. rate the named rate and the performance of the bond well, it was not
phenomenal. [graph shows bankruptcy]
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