Wind. Ocean wave power. Sunlight. All renewable. Or at least...endless as far as we care. Yes, the sun will burn out eventually. It doesn't actually renew itself, unless you think about a re-BigBanging in 20 billion years or whatever. But we'll be so dead by then.
Anyway, we want renewables. We want to migrate from our non-renewables like coal and oil and anythiing made from compressed, 200-million-year-old dinosaur gloop and dead tree puke. There won't be any more of that stuff made in our lifetimes as humans, so we need to manage the burning of it carefully. Or we'll run out.
And it's a tricky political wicket. Like...let's say we run out of gas or coal to heat our homes. Who will suffer most? The poor. But who is least able to afford to pay the way-more-expensive renewables over the cheap but pollutive and irreplaceable coal? Yeah, the poor.
So how much do we spend on develeoping nuclear power (safely-ish)? How much do we spend on hydrogen and all kinds of new battery things? Ask yourself next time you vote...and then pay your energy bill.