Isn't this kind of a derogatory term? "Retail" implies uninformed, at least semi-clueless, maybe stupid. But it's a Thing, and the sad truth is that most retail investors who don't just buy index funds and go play golf or do accounting or plow away snow...end up doing poorly when they try to invest. Little to no training. No understanding of how the financial journalists who write about companies have so little clue about how well or poorly companies are actually doing.
Retail investors actually trust journalists, pundits, and others who give away their stock-picking info, more or less for free...never asking the question, "If they were good, wouldn't they just keep their mouths shut and invest?" But retail investors don't ask that. They listen to Cramer and they read various journals and end up being poorer for not listening to Warren and just buying index funds.
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Finance: What Is Retail Banking vs. Corp...2 Views
Finance allah shmoop what is retail banking versus corporate banking
Retail consumer this gal she wants alone for her car
a credit card someday a mortgage corporate banking corporate The
corporation the behemoth the beast needing three billion dollars to
build a battery manufacturing facility in the middle of the
desert The beast needing fourteen thousand bank accounts into which
to deposit bi monthly paychecks The global animal that demands
banking contacts in at least eighty seven countries and in
somalia Retail banking savings and loans Little local banks Friendly
cashiers that air human checking accounts Savings accounts deposit boxes
twenty five for your hondo friendly smiling tellers who know
your name Corporate banking different from investment banking The glass
steagall act in nineteen thirty three force the separation of
the two because well let's be honest There was just
too much insider trading and collusion among you Are we
right Are we right Yeah Cash management equipment leasing lines
of credit Fairness opinions factor receivables payroll retirement investment management
brokerage Yeah these corporate bankers these air the nameless faceless
men in the gray flannel suits seeking to be in
the room for the twelve angry white men in a
ludlum novel hoping teo you know take over the world
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