"Hi, honey. Home at 6. Pickin' up chicken." That's a short call, but it has nothing to do with this term.
A call offers its holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy a certain underlying asset. There are two sides to that arrangement. One side buys the call; they have the option to purchase the underlying asset at a pre-set price. Meanwhile, on the other side of the deal, there is a party who wrote the call option. That investor has granted the right for someone else to buy the asset. To put it another way, they're agreeing to sell the asset at the pre-set price.
The short call exists on that side of the equation. It represents the writing of the call option.
You write a call for 100 shares of AAPL at $210, expiring in two months. You sell the option to someone else. Now you owe them those 100 share two months from now, if they choose to exercise the option.
Sometimes, people who sell these options already have the underlying asset in hand. In that situation, you'd already own 100 shares of the AAPL stock...you just want to use the option to raise a little money. If shares rise to the point where the call option gets exercised, it's no big deal. You have to sell the stock at the agreed-upon price, which might be below the current market value. But you still made a profit on the exchange.
Other times, the investor doesn't already own the stock. This situation represents a classic short call. Here, you really don't want the shares to rise above the strike price. You sell the AAPL call with a strike price of $210 and shares rise to $225; the buyer exercises the option. Now you have to buy 100 shares at $225 just to sell them to someone else at $210. Losing proposition.
For that reason, a short call is basically a bet that the stock will stay below the contract's strike price. The investor is looking to earn a premium from selling the option, but they have their fingers crossed that it never gets exercised.
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Finance: How does shorting a put work?1 Views
and finance Allah shmoop How does shorting a put work
Oh okay people your shorting or selling a put option
Easy derivatives trades You may very well want to do
in real life someday so let's frame things here first
To review a put is the right to sell a
security For now just think about selling Puts on the
shares of a normal liquid publicly traded company in This
makes sense because in reality oddball names that trade only
small volumes just don't get big markets made in them
by the banks who trade in them So the spreads
are so high that trading at all in those exotic
weird derivatives makes almost no sense So when you think
normal liquid publicly traded company think shares of a volatile
name but one that's liquid like G E In the
modern era it trades a kazillion shares a day It's
very liquid Well you liked the stock when it bottomed
around seven or eight bucks a share You bought it
big 100,000 shares and then you waited Then there were
takeout Rumors that Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway were going
to buy the company in a stock popped a $15
a share on that whispery rumor And at that point
you sold your long position I e the shares you
just bought like a normal human being in the marketplace
At an average cost of $7 a 52 cents U
then sold them after been doubling your money in three
years and change and you felt good about that score
Buy low sell high long term gain cheaper tax treatment
Easy But you felt that your love affair in making
money off of G E stock wasn't over You had
Mohr you know lovemaking To dio you watch longingly is
the stocks slipped back to $11 in 1/4 from a
peak of 15 80 on buffets and Berkshires fervent public
denials that they were buying the company We're not buying
G I keep telling you people we're not buying it
Okay so in the process the company was beginning to
be perceived differently like from something that was dead to
something that was recovering albeit slowly but that had real
value So you amused But if it wasn't Berkshire and
buffet buying G it'd be someone else's someday But that
day might be very very far away or long way
off So you feel good about the stock here at
11 bucks and change You feel good about its prospects
a long term and you're thinking maybe the stock grows
a dollar a year for a few years from here
going to 12 Boring boring Lee Generally okay not exciting
not exciting enough to buy the stock in a vanilla
basic long you know non 50 shades kind of way
Importantly you notice that in the craziest volatility of the
rumored buyout and the spike then decline in the stock
price that the derivatives market quote went nuts unquote That
is a bunch of putting call option owners got massively
jerked around in this huge stock price change with shares
that had hovered around eight or so Bucks share for
almost a year like a dead man's pulse So then
today with the derivatives traders hugely stressed out will you
think there's a way you can take advantage of their
nervousness and you decide to execute what's called the dead
money trade That is you think that at 11 bucks
a share G is pretty much dead money for awhile
that it'll go down to 10 on bad market days
and maybe walk to 12 on good days but that
it's just gonna be me Meg for at least the
next three or 45 months maybe longer So you're going
to short or sell a put option on G Well
in doing so you're going to sell someone else the
right to put their shares to you or to force
you to buy their shares at a given price over
a given time period If the math makes sense for
them to do so that is you're going to give
them the right to sell you their shares of GM
set price over a set period of time And in
return you're going to collect premium from them They think
of the premium they're going to pay you as share
or stock quote term life insurance unquote And you look
at the numbers while the trading sheet looks like this
and you think that if you just quote had Teo
unquote by a ton of Gaea 10 bucks a share
today you'd be fine with that You think the shares
traded just 10 times the dollars share that the new
CEO of Gaea signaled that they'll earn next year And
if you had to be just a big owner of
the stock for a long period of time then fine
You alone a bunch of Gaea cost basis of 10
bucks So you decide to anchor $10 as your strike
price in this put option That's the quote long price
unquote at which you'd be happy just buying a bunch
of G E stock But wait there's more You're going
to collect term life insurance for this privilege on this
stock The nervous Nellie derivatives trader on the other end
of your trade is offering to pay a dollar a
share such that she has the right to sell Yugi
shares for 10 bucks each meaning that she thinks there's
decent odds that the company trades down to seven or
six or five bucks a share in the very near
time period of a few months And she's happy to
pay a dollar a share for the life insurance Teo
you know make that security happen in her head If
that stock does trade to six bucks a share she
can just force you to buy it at $10 a
share So when you collect that dollar from her if
you then had to buy the G shares at 10
bucks each well then your net cost per share would
in fact be nine bucks and it nine bucks You
think the stock is just stupid chief and that it's
a screaming by And if you're short put trade quote
blew up unquote and G did trade down to seven
bucks a share Yes you'll have lost $2 a share
in buying it And being long then Aton of shares
at nine bucks your cost No but you still think
it gets to 15 bucks in next three years so
you'll be just fine sitting on those shares long and
you know holding them you know snugly So that's more
or less the worst case outcome saving the potential that
in fact he ends up going bankrupt and well then
you lose everything but Teo you that feels like a
huge stretch at the moment Anyway you think Nelly is
nervous for no good rational reason She only looks at
charts and technicals but you study the fundamentals of the
company and you know more than she does about how
g e is really doing operationally So you have your
$10 strike price at that price you feel great about
having to be very long stock at nine bucks with
that dollar premium you would've collect And you know that
if you want to be exposed to that term life
insurance for G for only 10 weeks instead of 20
or 25 weeks well then you could just take in
50 cents of premium and be done with it sooner
So if you did that shorter term short put trade
you'd collect 50 cents a share and then have just
roughly 50 trading days toe wait and hold your breath
And with the stock trading right now at 11 25
a share if it stays above 10 Bach's well then
the 50 cents you collected per share ends up just
being fully owned by you Justus if you were a
term life insurance company and that month the guy didn't
die the time expires Or in derivatives speak the data
decays to zero and you're done You've made 50 cents
a share for doing nothing more than taking on the
risk or liability of having to buy a load of
G stock it 10 bucks a share within those weeks
when you're you know exposed But you think GI is
dead money for longer than just a couple of months
and change You think it's dead money for 45456 months
something like that So it's march now and you decide
to sell the September 10 puts And yes that's the
nomenclature When you do any of these kinds of derivative
trades you don't give the actual date that the options
expire because by default they always expire on the third
Friday of the month So this September that expiration date
happens to be September 17th your thus exposed to G
stock through March today than April May June July August
and then by September This put option expires in Mill
just goes away and note that because you're taking so
much more time orthe ada risk you got to collect
a full dollar in premium And yes we're talking about
premium life insurance here loosely That's where it comes from
versus that very short risk timeframe of two and 1/2
months where you would have only collected in a 50
cents for guaranteeing you'd buy G for 10 bucks a
share in that time period so things tryingto long and
in two months later you're in the doldrums of summer
and G dips to nine bucks a share Well guess
what The trader on the other side can in most
cases force a conversion That is they then execute the
right to put their shares on you You then must
buy them out at 10 box and then you'd be
very long The stock I you then Oh nah Lot
of shares in practice with just a break even position
here where you'd collect your dollar a premium and the
trader on the other side of the trade would just
be unwinding her position While the early execution doesn't happen
all that often had G stock condo five or six
box or lower While then likely you'd be put those
shares way early It's noteworthy that these Air American style
options by the way not European ones American options execute
or can be converted on any day until their expiration
whereas European style options on ly convert on their expiration
date So there is essentially Mohr option or Optionality you
know kind of like Wesson ality at least that kind
of value in American options over European ones American ones
you know which you can think of as a siri's
of little one day options that have faded decay decaying
entirely each day along the way to their expiration Like
so many trading days 114 or whatever left need to
pass with the stock above 10 bucks for you to
collect your full life insurance premium there But in this
case the Stuck then bounces off its lows of nine
bucks It kisses 11 again and just remains there another
month and change when that third Friday in September finally
happens and the put option expires fully well you've collected
your dollar share it's 100% profit to you and you've
done little more than be nervous during that summer when
the stock was kissing break even to you I eat
If it was put to you a 10 box when
it was trading at nine bucks then you would've still
collected your dollar in premium and just be very long
the stock at nine bucks and note that as the
put gets closer and closer to that expiration date even
with a dead flat stock price of 11 25 day
after day after day that put option becomes gradually less
valuable like here the likely values as it goes along
the way So all this is generally good news for
you The Unnerve Assn Ellie until you get your tax
bill all gains from these type of trades even if
you had let them run over a year are tax
as ordinary income So if you live in a blue
state you pay a 40 45% tax and mohr less
split half your profits with the government And had the
stock actually taken off and gone to $20 a share
in this time period as Buffet and Gang did decide
to buy the company well then you the short put
er would have on ly collected your dollar in premium
and nothing else So just like that your sordid love
affair with G is then over But don't worry though
there are plenty of other options in the sea Hey
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