Split Block Pricing
You know how you buy a bulk pack of 200 cans of Peach Citrus Fresca for $100, but the individual cans say "not for individual sale?" Those labels are meant to prevent split block pricing.
The term itself refers to what happens when you break a larger order into smaller ones. Instead of getting a single price for the whole lot, smaller chunks get individually priced to particular buyers.
So...with that Fresca (and ignoring the label), you sell 25 cans to your cousin for $1 a can. Then you sell 50 to your friend Merrill for $0.75 a can. Another 125 goes to Fat Eddy for his annual family picnic; he paid $0.90 a can.
The price per can isn't stable across the whole supply. It varies from sale to sale. It's relatively easy to figure out though. ($1 x 25) + ($0.75 x 50) + ($0.90 x 125) = $175, which is the total amount earned by selling all the cans. Now, divide that by 200, and you get a per-can price of $0.875.
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Finance: What does it mean to "scale"?60 Views
Finance allah shmoop What does it mean to scale Well
here's a squid eyeball from space fifty miles away and
here's a squid eyeball from our boat the pesca squid
alia's from a mile away and here's a squid eyeball
from the view of our iphone we just dropped in
the water when the squids when right beneath the boat
scaring the crap out of us literally at one scale
we could barely see the ocean At another scale We
saw way too much eye ball scale and business has
the same kind of dramatic effect as operations come into
play That is it's One thing to serve lemonade drinks
to one hundred people a week It takes one stand
a permit grocery store visits worth of supplies it's completely
Another thing Toe serve a million drinks a week for
the latter You need infrastructure trucks storage and armies of
servers to you know serve Yeah that's what they do
someone's gotta get lemonades to the people So when a
company scales it means that they have gone from a
modest few million dollars of sales to sales of maybe
one hundred million and then a billion Some like that
The skill set for the former is a vastly different
set than for the ladder and some people are able
to do both Howard schultz founder and ceo of starbucks
We're looking at you well starbucks started off is just
one store in seattle in like five minutes later there
were a gazillion of them all over the world thinking
of coffee in any language So yeah that's How a
company scales from you little toe Big big Incidentally you'll
want to stay off the scale if you consume venti
caramel frappe with whip on a daily basis but on 00:01:44.897 --> [endTime] there so good