You wrote a check. On paper. Old school. It turned out that the landscaper to whom you gave the check did not, in fact, leave 14 bales of manure on your landscaped garden. All he left was the rolled up speeches from 1,000 politicians.
While the ethos of both are the same, the rolled up paper won't help your tomatoes grow deep roots. Unable to reach the landscaper, you call the bank and stop payment on the check, hopefully within about 3 days of when he will have cashed it. There are usually a few days' lag between depositing and the landscaper being able to get his cash.
Ironically, your tomatoes that summer never did better with the political speeches.
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Finance allah shmoop what is retail banking versus corporate banking
Retail consumer this gal she wants alone for her car
a credit card someday a mortgage corporate banking corporate The
corporation the behemoth the beast needing three billion dollars to
build a battery manufacturing facility in the middle of the
desert The beast needing fourteen thousand bank accounts into which
to deposit bi monthly paychecks The global animal that demands
banking contacts in at least eighty seven countries and in
somalia Retail banking savings and loans Little local banks Friendly
cashiers that air human checking accounts Savings accounts deposit boxes
twenty five for your hondo friendly smiling tellers who know
your name Corporate banking different from investment banking The glass
steagall act in nineteen thirty three force the separation of
the two because well let's be honest There was just
too much insider trading and collusion among you Are we
right Are we right Yeah Cash management equipment leasing lines
of credit Fairness opinions factor receivables payroll retirement investment management
brokerage Yeah these corporate bankers these air the nameless faceless
men in the gray flannel suits seeking to be in
the room for the twelve angry white men in a
ludlum novel hoping teo you know take over the world
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