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It's the pressure that builds up in the core of our being when we want something, but are afraid we won’t get it, or are afraid of some type of negative experience or loss.

In Organizational Behavior, there are two main sources of stress:

Challenge stressors

Work. All those deadlines and people harassing us to get stuff done, being overworked and underpaid, doing more than one job because Suzie got laid off, and the company is too cheap to replace her, etc.

Hindrance stressors

The barriers. The stuff that gets in the way of us ascending and ruling these companies. It’s ridiculous amounts of paperwork, compliance crap, jobs morphing so they don’t even closely resemble the actual job description, office politics…like the brown-noser who keeps getting promoted even though he’s a completely incompetent moron, etc.

When in doubt, stress-test...yourself.

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