Gaston was originally super-stoked that he was asked to give a lecture at his old junior college, but now that he’s here, he’s really regretting his decision. There’s a heckler in the audience playing a rousing game of “stump the chump,” which is how we refer to a situation in which someone intentionally and divisively interrupts and otherwise screws with someone else’s presentation, lecture, performance, demonstration, TED talk, etc. In Gaston’s case, the chump-stumper is alternating between booing loudly, yelling out highly inappropriate questions and observations, and singing that annoying “no one spits like Gaston” song from Beauty and the Beast.
But Gaston’s not going to let it get him down. After all, no one’s slick as Gaston. Besides, he knows that his heckler’s probably just messing with him so she can feel like she’s smart, bold, and daring. Or maybe she wishes she was the one who’d been invited to speak, so she’s going to ruin Gaston’s lecture out of jealousy. Maybe she’s trying to impress somebody, or maybe she just really gets a charge out of irritating entire lecture halls full of people. Whatever the heckler's motivation, Gaston knows that the best way to deal with a stump-the-chump situation is to stay cool, calm, and positive. Maybe he’ll even throw a little humor in there to try and diffuse the situation. Whatever he decides to do, it’s certainly not going to involve busting out any more Beauty and the Beast songs.