See: The Fed. See: Federal Open Market Operations.
The Fed has both of its enormous, sweaty hands on the steering wheel of the economy. They are, in a sense, the driver. Need to inject gasoline or heat or speed into things? Turn the wheel to the right and lower rates. Economy inflating too hot? Turn the wheel to the left and raise rates to cool things down.
The Fed lives with a target (interest) rate it seeks to optimize, so that the economy behaves the way they want it to.
See: Fiscal Policy. See: Monetary Policy. See: Inflation.
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Finance: What is a Pac Man Defense?21 Views
Finance a la shmoop what is a pacman defense?
[Pacman eating] yeah well wacka wacka to you too...Hostile takeovers are rare in real life not so
rare in pac-man but when they do happen there exists a whole cadre of strategies
behind defending them at least from the company's perspective being taken over
there and pac-man defense is inarguably the best named strategy of all of
them in essence what happens when we'll say an angry competitor let's call him
blinky Inc tries to buy an angrier competitor let's call them inky inc.
well blinky would be buying shares of inky in the open marketplace filing to [Blinky and inky appear]
go past 15% ownership and eventually own enough shares to elect its own Board of
Directors and make a takeover happen well in a Pac Man defense as blinky is
snarfing up shares of inky, inky buys shares of blinky sort of turning the
tables you know like this and while you're gobbling up that competition and [Pacman gobbling competition]
don't forget to eat a bunch of cherries or a strawberry every once in a while
because you know you still need your fruits and veggies
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The Federal Open Market Committee's purpose is to manage financial outcomes through monetary policy.