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Time Decay


Categories: Derivatives

See: Theta Decay.

It sounds like what happens when you don't floss, but it actually refers to the way that the time value of a stock option decays or declines with time.

The closer to the expiration date, the smaller the time value of the option. (Time value: as in...if you had an option to buy KO for $50 when KO is today trading at $42, and that option expired in 2 weeks, it probably wouldn't be worth much, because the odds of KO trading much above $50 in the next 2 weeks is relatively low. But if you had Theta (or time) of 3 years before the option expired, then yeah, that option could be worth a ton.)


You sold puts on GOOG at $450 for $35 which expire in 4 months. The stock today is at $600. That is, you sold the right for someone to make you buy shares of GOOG at $450 any time between now and 4 months from now for 35 bucks. Things go along and, well, GOOG just stays pretty flat, doing a whole lot of nothing.

It's now 3 days before those put options expire (we've gone 3.9 months with a whole lot of nothing happening in GOOG). The stock is still around $600 a share. What are the odds it plummets $150+ in 3 days? Really low. So the value of those puts is almost fully expired—its Theta has decayed to just 3 days' worth of trading time, and it is highly likely you just collect your 35 bucks, walk away, and buy yourself a really nice burger at a Manhattan eatery.

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finance a la shmoop what is a derivative? well it's derived it's a something taken


from something else like a derivative of hot weather is thirst a derivative of [Girl takes sip of glass of water on a beach]


hunger is well you know crankiness that's diva thing you get there...


derivative of a 1/32 quarterback rating in the NFL is like serious wealth yeah


yeah discount double shmoop yeah look for it be on there with aaron


and a derivative of a stock or bond or other security is a something which


derives its value based on the performance of that underlying security


there are basically two flavors of derivative put options ie the right to [Ice cream flavors appear]


sell a security at a given price over a given time period and a call option, ie


right to buy a security at a given price over a given time period


well the price of that option is derived from the price of the security and a few


other factors like strike prices and duration and all that stuff


colonel electric the downgraded new version of General Electric is trading [Colonel Electric appears in a suit]


for 25 bucks a share a derivative of its share price is sold in the form of a


call option with a $30 strike price expiring about 90 days from now on the


third Friday of the end of that month well investors pay a price albeit


probably a small one for the right to then pay 30 bucks a share for colonel [Call option appears for colonel electric]


electric at any time in the next 90 ish days until that option expires making the bet


that the stock will go well above 30 bucks a share in that time period that


call option is thus a derivative of the colonel electric primary stock price got


it if you really want to get personal well here's the ultimate form of


derivative [Baby laying down]

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