It sounds like a sci-fi story where women are impregnated with genetically engineered alien warriors.
Yeah...no. Although, this one does involve a little pregnancy, at least on the margins.
Any fan of the British Royal Family is familiar with the concept of primogeniture. It means that all the assets of an estate, like the throne of Great Britain, get inherited by the first-born child (sometimes, of course, it's stipulated as first-born son, but the gender part of that is obviously silly and old-fashioned).
Ultimogeniture represents the opposite of primogeniture. Well, actually, it's pretty much the same thing, except that it goes to a different kid. Instead of the first-born, all the inheritance goes to the last-born. So...you have five kids, listed in birth order: John, Tarmore, Parker, Dingo, and Sarah. John is the oldest, so under primogeniture, he would inherit everything when you die. Under ultimogeniture, it would all go to Sarah, the youngest. Let the in-fighting begin.
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Finance: What is a Clifford Trust?1 Views
Finance Allah shmoop What is a Clifford trust Well first
what's a trust Well it's a special repository of money
that exists is a kind of distinct legal entity until
something happens So what's special about a Clifford trust Have
anything to do with that big red dog who slumbers
everywhere No keyword minors with an O not an eat
kids Your kid was one of those TV sitcom child
stars you unlike most of their appears parents were actually
a good parent So you set up a special Clifford
trust for your kid putting in a million bucks a
year for three years fully invested in S and P
five hundred index funds which grows in compounds away such
that Well it's worth six million bucks by the time
your kid turns eighteen At that point well she's fully
out of rehab hopefully for the final time and is
ready to go to a school or no not U
C L A Here bartending school That's what child starts
Teo But hey at least they're starting with six million
bucks to do so courtesy of the Clifford Trust you
set up which has all kinds of special provisions that
protect miners make you do the right thing by him
and I not take all their money so that well
they could then blow all the money on bars and
restaurants that they start that go bankrupt and watch themselves
slowly go bust
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