The bane of every financial manager's existence: do worse than. Like...the S&P 500 went up last year 14 percent, but your fund, which had analogous growth and income stocks in it, went up only 11 percent. You underperformed your bogey, or the market, or expections, by 3 percent.
Now go hang your head in shame, you low alpha investor, you.
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Finance: What is Buy side?0 Views
Finance Allah shmoop What is the buy side All right
people It's a rumble a fight a tale of two
cities Jets Sharks Capital its Montagues London Mogadishu Some like
that Wall Street has aligned itself with both sides of
the holy transaction Will First there are cellars of securities
or assets that you know them as stockbrokers and realtors
and used car sales people in one form or another
They have no responsibility really as to whether or not
the investment did well or poorly they get paid a
commission and are highly incentivized to transact That's the only
way they get AIDS They don't get paid to be
right or accurate or money makers Those are cell ciders
right They sell they get paid on a commission and
well that's it Okay so then who are the bye
siders Well they're buyers of securities Invest doors develop oars
and well they come in a few flavors at the
retail level There Aunt Mary who just paid twenty two
grand for her three year old Ford Focus with the
built in karaoke machine Yes that's our crazy aunt She
bought it in part because the witty sales guy told
her It'd be a good you know investment Well according
to this guy she also made an investment in her
freedom to go anywhere any time Tio not rely on
uber by side at the retail level is Uncle Bill
who just bought a hundred shares of Amazon through his
favorite stockbroker smiling Eddie at the professional level will the
buyers or by side people are these guys and gals
They have catchy job titles like mutual Fund Manager hedge
fund manager private equity fund manager venture capitalist and so
on And they're generally highly educated and ruthlessly called for
being talented Ah bad money manager is for fired really
quickly and generally well Doesn't work in the industry again
Why Well it's just too expensive to keep a bad
money manager on the payroll who underperforms their results are
highly measurable Ahs Well most go up against Ticker Espy
Why it's an index fund of the S and P
five hundred or something similar Yeah spy is this thing
Here's the chart The index fund for S and P
five hundred If you can beat that fund regularly while
you're a hero if you can't then like well why
would investors give you money for which you charged in
a one percent or more a year to manage If
you're in a mutual fund when the investors could well
get the same or likely much better results by just
putting their money into an index fund like why would
they give it to you if you don't have enough
Alfa Teo you know beat the market well Those index
funds cost like point two percent a year to manage
like a fifth of a mutual fund and in modern
history Well guess what In big bull markets index funds
perform a lot better than mutual funds So to sum
up a stockbroker Ieast someone from the sell side might
sell you five grand worth of a mutual fund But
a fund manager would be the one in charge of
putting that money to work I'ii buying ten thousand shares
of Microsoft at fifty box believing they'll be at sixty
and change in a year Right So the buy side
people get measured on their performance not upon how much
volume they transact So that's it All right people let's 00:03:16.95 --> [endTime] get ready to rumble eh