Universal Truth
Categories: Financial Theory
Not the dental chain, Universal Tooth. A universal truth is an idea that’s taken for granted as true, regardless of…well…everything. That’s the "universal" part: no matter what, this idea holds true.
In behavioral science, universal truths are rare, if they exist at all. From the viewpoint of fancy, science people, in order for a truth to be universal, it has to hold true 100% of the time. One counter example throws the universal part out of the hundredth-floor window. When it comes to human behavior…including beliefs and attitudes…there is almost always an exception, especially when we look at a world population that’s rapidly approaching 8 billion.
Point to remember: universal truths can be considered a logical fallacy. No matter how much a person believes in something, it likely does not hold true to everybody. Very different from The Universal Tooth, a chain of dental hygienist offices.