Upper Class
Categories: Marketing
What is "class," anyway? We certainly don't demo much of it in D.C.
Instead, economic class is kind of a mobile and vague setting wherein politicians try to striate policy so that it helps or hinders a given class. And yes, usually the theme is taking from the haves and giving money to the have-nots. Most people don't have any problem with the notion; the issue is trying to discern the amounts or volumes of dollars taken from the haves and given to the have-nots.
"Upper class" just refers to a given sector of the population which...has. They're the haves. They drives fancy cars, they send their kids to private school, they live in nice homes. And they can choose to lead a more middle-class life and just have tons of savings and investment, so that they're more than protected against bad markets and bad economies, and have little to no worries about much of anythiing financial when they go to sleep at night.