Utility Patent
Categories: Tech
A “utility patent” is a patent issued for a new and/or improved process, product, device, chemical, etc. A utility patent gives the patentholder exclusive commercial rights to their invention, which means no one else can use it to make money or other new inventions without the patentholder’s say-so.
But not only does our invention have to be new and/or an improvement of something that already exists...it has to be useful. For example, if we invent a machine that picks up dog hair from one spot on our carpet and deposits it two inches to the left, that’s not actually all that useful of a creation. Probably won’t be approved for a utility patent.
That’s right: we have to get approved. We can’t just walk into the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with our fur-regurgitating carpet machine, hold out our hand, and get a utility patent and a high-five. We have to apply. And the application process is long, arduous, intensive, and, in many cases, expensive. Like..."thousands of dollars" expensive. We’ll probably have to hire a lawyer, and maybe a professional patent application writer and process illustrator. (Seriously.) And then, after we go through that whole process, if we get approved, the patent itself only lasts for up to 20 years, during which time we have to pay maintenance fees on it. After that, our precious patented fur regurgitation technology becomes public domain, and then any fool out there can come in and try to replicate or improve our design using our own invention.
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Finance Allah shmoop What is intellectual property Well here's really
property Cows barn Verdell Isar Surgical facemasks But this wealthy
Zehr blueprints for a state of the art brand new
semi conductor Awesome device can store the entire video library
of Netflix on your wrist Took a thousand people four
years to build the blueprints and they're probably worth a
half a billion dollars today Think of them as brain
splatter the good kind of brain flat not the zombie
eaten kind The best ideas splattered on paper and then
filed with the U S and other patent offices around
the world likely to be licensed in return for cash
payments to a variety of computer device makers Overtime This
paper it's intellectual property Or rather the ideas represented on
it are I pee and they're sellable just like any
other property Cars horses homes land planes remote controlled gardening
Cheers Yeah whatever Intellectual property generally refers to anything that's
not like touchable M C Hammer knows what we're talking
about you and or more like It's just ideas or
assets that only live as concepts The Disney brand intellectual
property the Disney theme park Riel property The recipe for
Coke intellectual property That bottle of Coke Safeway just sold
you for three bucks Riel property the shmoop name and
logo And this schmuck audio sounding thing Yeah intellectual property
The shmoop t shirt on this cute kid riel property
The kid Well not property There are laws against that 00:01:30.45 --> [endTime] sort of thing but she's cute anyway Hi