Vandalism And Malicious Mischief Insurance
Categories: Ethics/Morals, Insurance
Live in a neighborhood assaulted by hoodlums and ne'er-do-wells? Then you'll need this.
Think about it from the insurer's perspective. They don't "need" this money. They don't "need" to insure anyone against this kind of hassle and grief. They can do perfectly fine just selling insurance for cars and life and health and homes. So if they have to sell this insurance, it's optional to them, and they'll price the policies...high. Why wouldn't they? If you were the insurance company, wouldn't you?
So then...what does it cost to clean off swear words painted across the back wall of your store? $300? $800? How often will it happen? You'll do the math and price for it...and make it way cheaper if there's a $5,000 deductible for each incident. Like, it'd take a ton of graffiti damage to cost over 5 grand to clean up. A broken window? Depends on the window, right? And then what if there are warning signs that violators will be prosecuted...and 2 dozen video cameras were put up all over the place, and stupid kids threw rocks, broke things...all live, in crystal clear, videotaped action?
Well, a ton of that did, in fact, happen from about 2015 forward, with literally thousands of kids being arrested, their parents then being made to pay for all the damage, and then somebody somewhere blaming the kids' throwing of rocks through store windows somehow on society. Like it was Joe and Suzy voter who moved their elbows forward to actually throw those rocks, steal that piping, paint that crap all over the Mom 'n' Pop store who bought the insurance.
We feel guilty for making that kid throw the rock. Don't you? It was our fault, after all.