See: Quantity Discount. Same thing.
Large volume gets you large discounting from the sellers. Buy one stuffed blobfish at wholesale and it costs $5; buy 10,000 in hopes of celebrating Blobfish Week at the Aerosmith Revival Concert: Viva La Wheelchair, and you pay $3 per fish.
Big volume discount. For a big blob.
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Cost Accounting: How Do you Find Volume ...7 Views
And finance Allah Shmoop How do you find volume based
break even point or margins in C v P Or
like in plain English Where do you break even Like
at what volume of your products Can you pay your
rent insurance overhead salary and have just enough left over
to pay the interest on the loan that grandmama gave
you to start this embalming company So yeah that's what
you dio You're an embalmer And here's your embalmer jacket
for a thousand bucks you stick bodies on this old
sewing machine like thing and spin Well it's basically masking
tape around them and then dip them in this woo
magic fluid No don't look there It's not the secret
sauce from Jack in the box and boom They're ready
to be you know put on display Well why do
people embalm They like the spirituality of it You know
you do a little ceremony Kind of like the twelfth
century Viking meets the eighteenth century into it with a
dash of for millennia ago Egypt thrown in Your parents
pushed you to have a steady job maybe go to
law school Something you could really count on once your
rock and roll career died So you know death and
taxes and whatever And you were really never very good
with numbers not a big fan of paying taxes in
the first place s So here you are You don't
make much so you don't pay much in taxes anyway
A customer buying the basic embalming package pays you a
grand Sometimes it's walk in business Sometimes it's families with
the you know wheel in business And other times you're
just in upgrade to a funeral package Thanks in a
big shot out there to Bob's Holy Roller House of
Heaven in furniture shop lifesavers Well you outsource most of
the work piecemeal to Luke Risha Here she charges you
two hundred bucks for a full wrap old school The
masking tape costs another eighty bucks and the secret saw
the magic after life fluidity elixir of blah blah blah
or whatever you're calling in this week's special Yeah you've
got to find the newspaper coupon section for the name
but anyway a gallon of that It's of costs one
hundred bucks So that's your marginal world You charge a
grand for costs of two hundred for labor Eighty for
the tape one hundred for the goop and that's it
Three eighty and costs six hundred twenty dollars in contribution
for unit or unit sale The only problem Phil You
have to refrigerate the clients sometimes for a long time
until you can all schedule the afterlife party And there's
always a relative stuck in some meeting or on a
trip or something So you spend five grand a month
on rent and then another two grand on electricity and
maintenance and all the other storage things And yeah it's
kind of nice to not have to carry life insurance
anyway Steady state You basically have seven grand to make
up in volume every month to just break even from
your operations So how many customers buying the basic thousand
dollar package do you need Well each customer contributes six
hundred twenty bucks So thinking aloud here if you had
ten of them well that had contribute sixty two hundred
to go again through seven grand and fixed recurring costs
Right That would get you close Oh the actual number
Well you just divide seven thousand by six Twenty there
The revenues by the unit contribution of profits and you
get eleven point two So really you need a dozen
customers a month to break even on this plan Because
you have other expense like a phone line And you
of course need a little bit extra for you know
accidents or whatever Although you're thinking well like what worse
could happen here But it's amazing what goes on here
at night You had a family of rats break in
one time in the after life Elixir of Love was
well a few days ripe And oh it wasn't pretty
So the Elixir has a formula and it's not just
mayo ketchup in a dash of Worcestershire Sure sure Shire
It's way more than that But this calculation has a
formula too There are a few of them in fact
and for context You're thinking about opening a chain of
these places all around the country and the world You
get cheaper prices on tape and elixir at volume and
maybe you'll find someone needing less maintenance than Lou Krysia
you know for less than two hundred bucks per Anyway
you confined the break even on volume here right You
need twelve bodies at a grand each or twelve grand
total to get there So to calculate you took your
fixed recurring costs of the five grand in Ran into
grand Electric and other veils Seven grand total and you
divided it by the unit contribution of six hundred twenty
dollars And that's how you got the eleven point to
when we rounded up a body Because well of course
you can't have a fraction of a body The formula
break even volume in units equals fixed recurring costs over
unit contribution Or if you had the contribution margin i
e The profit margin of your units sale fell You
could get the answer Here is well that is the
contribution margin here is six hundred twenty overthe ao or
sixty two percent nice high margin business So to get
the break even volume you need on a sales dollars
basis while you just divide that seven grand figure you're
fixed recurring overhead by the contribution margin figure and voila
you get the same number Yes Third grade arithmetic Magic
So aboutthe loan to start this thing from Grandmama Well
she's off to a better place now and yeah that's
her here You still have to pay off that loan
and you want to make enough profit so you can
go build another hundred of these stores and really make
something of this life of yours or the next either
is fine but you need to get started before you
run out of time So you've set a target profit
number for this store for the months going forward of
four grand big up profit numbers But you also got
a lot of free press from the you know rat
incident What they say There's no such thing as bad
press So you're expecting a lot of customers coming in
and you already have a load of reservations And you're
optimistic about your new partnerships with the US Hang Gliding
Association and the Grand Canyon Motorcycle Jumping Association and the
Harness List Climbers Association So your target is four grand
a month in profit Well how do you get there
Well you can think of a need for profit almost
like it's just more overhead So today you have five
grand in rent in two grand in utilities costs and
everything else for seven grand So you've been thinking of
yourself as an absentee owner and haven't been taking a
really salary and you should someday But for now what
Grandmama left you is tidying things They're covering thing things
are paying the basics in your life anyway that seven
grand and fix recurring overhead Then you want four grand
a month in profits So you think you're a big
line here as being eleven grand So what's your target
volume then you know like at a grand a pop
or a mom or uncle or aunt How many sales
do you need in a month to hit your target
profit of four thousand dollars So that's seven thousand fix
recurring plus the four thousand of profit target That's eleven
thousand bucks divided by the six hundred twenty dollars of
contribution per customer And that gets you seventeen point seven
It will round up to eighteen bodies a month All
right not that bad A goal that's almost like one
a day you know like the vitamin which well this
really pale guy clearly never took a body A week
day Yeah totally doable is a goal And your target
sales volume Well take the eleven grand divided by the
contribution margin of point six two and you have seventeen
point seven there OK right so same calculation Mohr less
just flipping around a few numbers So where do things
get ugly here or uh well uglier What if you
could raise prices with no diminishing of volumes like Could
you charge fifteen hundred or two grand for a eternal
life likeness and bliss Or what if things went the
other way How sensitive is your pricing or set in
a very macro micro we can kind of way How
steep is your demand Curves like Could you charge eight
hundred dollars and get way more customers And here's another
thought What if your costs went down with scale like
if you had ten shops could you get masking tape
at half the price you're paying Would labor go up
or down Is Lacresha a kind of one time gift
Or is she making way more than what really market
prices are for what you'd have to pay in the
future to get Mohr embalmers is therein embalmers union Yeah
Preserve our jobs or we won't preserve anything Or I'd
like to lodge a formaldehyde complaint like those signs Do
it well if you make more money the bigger you
get that it be called operating leverage That is you'd
have operating leverage if you made more profits The bigger
you got so yes Yes There's the thinker so much
Think about so little Actually maybe you have tons of 00:08:08.212 --> [endTime] time to think about it
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What is CVP and Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis? Cost-Volume-Profit analysis is used in accounting to find break-even points (when profit less cost is...