A list of securities that someone—us as investors, a brokerage firm, the SEC, etc.—wants to keep an extra-close eye on.
Maybe there’s been some unusual trading activity of late. Maybe the SEC suspects that some firms are engaged in shady shenanigans. Maybe a company is seen as a potential takeover target. Or maybe we just like those securities’ style and want to check them out as potential investment opportunities.
Whatever the reason, when a list of securities is put together and then watched, we in the financial community call that a watch list.
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Finance: What is Trading Volume?29 Views
finance a la shmoop what is training volume training volume with a lot of
volume and this is trading with okay yeah yeah you get the idea [Man shouting into megaphone]
volume here is not about number 11 on the dial but rather about the number of [Person turning up volume dial]
shares trading back and forth on a given day week hour a month and generally
speaking higher levels of volume are a relatively bullish sign for the market [Water pouring]
on all else being equal that is optimistic investors are putting money
into the system buying up stocks and contributing liquidity like they are [Investor money transfer to stock market]
seeking risk they're hopeful they're optimistic lots of volume high liquidity
low volume low liquidity and high is good
Inessa not just a california proposition 64 thing high volumes are attractive to [People protesting for cannabis]
large institutional professional traders and investors because there remains the
perception that if they want to sell a given position well then with high
volumes they can get out quickly so they feel less hesitation about getting in
quickly okay good just checking [Man shouting into megaphone]
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