Middlebury College

Hallmarks and Quirks

Things I'm Good At:

  • Languages. Parlo italiano. Hablo español. Ani medaber ivrit. I eak-spay ig-pay atin-lay.

  • Ice hockey. I dominate.

  • Sustainability. My motto? "Think Blue. Act Green."

  • Broomball.

My Top 5 Must-Haves:

  1. Skis.

  2. A North Face jacket. It gets kind of cold here…

  3. My passport. I love to study abroad, and people come from more than seventy countries to hang with me.

  4. A journal. (This is the Breadloaf in me.)

  5. My camera. It's pretty around here every single season.

Why You Might Have Heard of Me:

  • I have my own golf course and ski area. No big deal.

  • My summer language schools are world-renowned.

  • I was the first to bring Quidditch to college campuses.

On a regular Saturday night, you can find me...

I'm probably on campus, for sure. Sometimes I'm at The Grille getting a Dr. Feel Good (grilled cheese with chicken tenders yummm) or watching one of the zillion performances going on, but usually I'm just hanging with my friends in someone's dorm.

Favorite Hangouts:

  • The Grille (in the student center)

  • Battell Beach…yeah, I know, when it's covered in snow, it's not quite a beach, but whatever.

  • Anywhere with a heater


  • Instead of two semesters, I have three: a fall and spring semester with a one-month mini-semester in January. I call it the J-Term, and it's a great chance for people to focus on one class and one class only. Sometimes that's a class on Lord of the Rings, and sometimes it's organic chemistry. Depends on how you roll.

  • A group of about 100 students enrolls mid-year starting at Midd in February instead of September. I call 'em Febs, and they've usually spent their gap semesters doing insanely cool things.

  • Room and board is included in my tuition. This makes me look more expensive than the rest of my peers, but it's just broken up differently—I swear.

Famous Alumni:

  • Jason Mantzoukas, funny guy and television actor

  • Amanda Plummer, Tony Award-winning actress

  • Dana Reeve, actress, philanthropist, and wife of the original Superman

  • James Cromwell (That'll do, Jim.)

  • Angus Sutherland, half-baby brother of Kiefer.