The Hollow Men Quotes

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Source: The Hollow Men

Author: T.S. Eliot

"This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper."

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.


A lot of poetry explores some small (and usually overlooked) thing in nature or some minor aspect of the human psyche. But then there's "The Hollow Men," which takes on the entire end of the world. 

Ambitious much?

This is one of the most quoted lines from poetry...but why does it resonate so much? You know, other than the fact that it literally resonates. (The line "This is the way the world ends" appears three times in a row.)

As is the case for most of Eliot's work, there are plenty of different interpretations. Usually, though, this poem is thought to be a commentary on war and on the passing of mankind from the earthly realm to the beyond—the below beyond, in particular. Of course, in Eliot's vision, we're not going out in a blaze of glory; it's more like a balloon that's stepped on and gradually has the air leaked out of it.

A depressing thought, but then…no one ever paid Eliot to cheer up a room.

P.S. Check out our full analysis of the line here.

Where you've heard it

There aren't many lines of poetry that become embedded so deeply in the public's consciousness to the extent that this one has. Blame it on our fascination with the "end of days," but this one by Eliot is widely known, even by people who wouldn't be able to tell a poem from a grocery store receipt.

There's a novel that borrowed the line for its title, as well as an episode of Dexter. Visit pretty much any website that's doomsday-obsessed and you're likely to find some reference to it there, too. Heck, even if you play Cards Against Humanity, you'll find the shout-out.

Now, you may have thought we were building up to one big, final pop culture reference that would leave the others in the dust…but nah. We prefer to end this section with a whimper.

Pretentious Factor

If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of 1-10.

The line itself is pretty pretentious, but it gets extra points because its author goes by two initials and then a last name. Whether you're C.S. Lewis or J.J. Abrams or J.D. Salinger…that's tweed-worthy.