Shmoop for Schools

1. Our Philosophy
As plain as the nose on our face...We speak student.
2. Test Prep
Give your students a triple shot espresso of knowledge (but without the shakes).
3. Common Core & Courses
All the essentials plus the crazy fun stuff.
4. Analytics
Understand what's happening in your school or district at a glance.
6. Case Studies
In case you've been wondering, studying on Shmoop yields big results.
7. Integrations
Embed Shmoop in your LMS just the way you like it.
Shmoop Integrations
Access Shmoop content in the most convenient and logical place: within your own learning management system. Shmoop has partnered with leading LMS providers to build a seamless experience for teachers and students using LTI-compliant systems. You will love how easy it is to use, and your students will thank you for not making them remember yet another password!
Shmoop offers an LTI tool for incorporating AP® Exams, ACT®, SAT®, CAHSEE, all of our Test Prep products, Semester Courses, Elective Courses, and Short Courses into LTI-compliant tools such as Moodle, Canvas, Haiku, and more.
The Shmoop LTI tool is fully compliant with the IMS LTI 1.0 and 1.1 standards as a tool provider.
Please Contact Us to learn more!

We Love you and we want to show it!
Lots of students? No problem! We've determined that one of our brilliant sales elves can save you precious moolah on your order. Drop us a line below and we will get in touch with you about your Shmoopy needs in the flashes of flashes.