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Test like an eagle: don't let time keep on slipping, slipping, slipping...into the future. Or at least past the time limit.

Phase 3: Sales

Phase 3: Sales

To Do List


IPO Sales Drill

Stage 3: The Sale. Wait, first it was anger, then denial…this is…what again? Oh. The Sale. Or Underwriting Process. What would "over-writing" be anyway?

Whiteshoe gets animated here because it is during this process where he shows his stuff (banking skills, not junk). His job is to market and then distribute the shares and hopefully create a liquid market that is relatively stable.

Since an IPO is the first time that most of the general public is able to buy shares in a company, there is n...

Looking for more? Why is this annoying box in the way? It's because you haven't paid for the course yet!

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