Rhyme or reason Why Should I Care
Why Should I Care?
Chances are you've never been mistaken for your twin by your servant who's also a twin. Anyone? But, we're willing to bet that you have experienced something that doesn't make sense before. Don't believe us?
Just say your friend gets all A's in his classes and is the star quarterback of your school's football team, but you're struggling to get B's and always sitting on the bench. Maybe your little sister can eat all the ice cream and Doritos she wants and still look fab, while you've got to do a few sit ups to get by.
Sometimes, things don't seem fair. There's no explanation for why one person can be better at something, or have a natural ability that you might not have. Hey, it's okay. We've all got our strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes it's cool to just admit that there's no rhyme or reason behind something.