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Study Guides
Everything you ever wanted to know about...everything.
Check out our free Study Guides, sorted by subject below.
Check out everything we have to offer in the world of reading, writing, and absolutely not arithmetic.
Literature Study Guides
Read words but still confused? Being asked for words but have none? Words, words, words! Word.
Literature Glossaries
Lamenting your scansion of a sestet? Is your hamartia ekphrasis? No, our cat isn't walking on the keyboard. Find the meaning of these words and more in our glossaries.
Imagine a world without math. No functional relationships. No allowances. No 101 Dalmations. The horror! Shmoop's Math Study Guides make algebra, geometry, and even calculus easier than a piece of pi.
If you were one of those kids who salted snails, dropped watermelons off the roof, or dumped a whole tube of Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke, science might just be your thing. And our Science Study Guides are just like neutrons—free of charge.
Social Studies
Don’t know much about history? We’ve got your back. Our Social Studies Study Guides cover everything from the origins of Western religion to the origins of our nation to the origins of some severely deformed demi-gods.
Shmoop en Español
¡Obtén tu humor y tontería Shmoop, ya en español!
Art & Music
You may be an expert in stick figures and that heavy metal band you started in 6th grade, but our Arts and Music Study Guides will help you dig just a little deeper.
"I should probably find a funny quote to put here to intro the quote section." - Me, Writer of these words
College Resources
Your one-stop shop for college information. We've got the lowdown on admissions rates, popular majors, and hangout spots at all your favorite colleges, a tool to help you find the right school for you, articles on financing your college education, an insider peek at NCAA sports, and more. Come, read, conquer.
Careers and Life Skills
Are you a total bookworm who’s looking to spread your, um, gizzards? Our Life Skills Study Guides will get you on your way, helping to pave your way toward the real world. Not that Hogwarts isn’t the real world.
Study Tools
Free tools to help you ace everything from middle school essays to the real life job search.