12 Angry Men Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from 12 Angry Men.

Quote #4

JUROR #4: We're not here to go into the reasons why slums are breeding grounds for criminals. They are. I know it.

Of all the jurors, #4 seems to be the most emotionally cold and rational. He doesn't even sweat until long after all the other men have lost a gallon of water each to the brutal heat. But like anyone, Juror #4 has his own prejudices, and we can see here that he doesn't always offer evidence. He just says, "I know it."

Quote #5

JUROR #10: I'll tell you something. The crime is being committed right in this room.

Juror #10 is the most racially prejudiced of anyone in the jury room. He's so biased that he thinks the other men are committing a crime by just considering the fact that the defendant might be innocent. In his mind, he might even believe that he's the only person in the room who cares about justice.

Quote #6

JUROR #3: You come in here with your heart bleeding all over the floor about slum kids and injustice but you make up these wild stories, and you've got some soft-hearted old ladies listening to you.

Like Juror #10, Juror #3 thinks that the rest of the men in the room are a bunch of softhearted fools who will believe any sob story anyone tells them. In his mind, justice means being tough on people and assuming the worst of them if the charge is something as serious as murder.