12 Angry Men Old Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from 12 Angry Men.

Quote #7

JUROR #9: I think I know this man better than anyone else here.

As he points out, Juror #9 understands the elderly witness better than anyone else because he knows what it's like to be an old man nobody (not even some of the other jurors) listens to.

Quote #8

JUROR #9: This is a quiet, frightened, insignificant old man who… who has been nothing all his life.

As #9 tells us, the poor old man who testified against the defendant might have made up some of his testimony because he just wanted a little attention. It can't be easy to sit alone in your apartment all day just watching the days go by and waiting to die.

Quote #9

JUROR #9: Nobody knows him. Nobody quotes him.

It's clear by this point that the old witness in the murder case has a reason to get up in court and lie about his testimony. He saw the opportunity to be important for one last time in his life and he didn't hesitate to take it.