A Beautiful Mind Love/Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from A Beautiful Mind.

Quote #4

JOHN: Alicia, does our relationship warrant long-term commitment? I need some kind of proof, some kind of verifiable, empirical data.

ALICIA: Um, I'm sorry, just give me a moment to redefine my girlish notions of romance. A proof. Verifiable data. Um, okay. Well, how big is the universe?

JOHN: Infinite.

ALICIA: How do you know?


JOHN: I don't; I just believe it.

ALICIA: Mmm. It's the same with love, I guess. Now, the part that you don't know is if I want to marry you.

We'll say it again: John is really lucky to have found someone who can deal with his kind of emotionless, almost robotic attitude toward other people and human emotions. Here, John wants empirical proof that marriage is a good idea, and Alicia manages to get him to understand—using an example from science, which is in John's wheelhouse—that marriage and love just kind of have to be a leap of faith, to some extent.

Quote #5

JOHN: William, my circumstance has changed. Alicia's pregnant.

PARCHER: I told you attachments were dangerous. You chose to marry the girl. I did nothing to prevent it. The best way to ensure everybody's safety is for you to continue your work.

Unfortunately, John's contact at the Department of Defense does not think it's great news that John has hooked up with Alicia, because it means John doesn't want to keep doing the agency's super secret spy work. On the plus side, Parcher is actually a hallucination, so John's not in any real danger, and his love life isn't actually getting in the way of anything.

Quote #6

ALICIA: I think often what I feel is obligation. Or guilt over wanting to leave. Rage against John, against God, and…but then I look at him and I force myself to see the man that I married. And he becomes that man. He's transformed into someone that I love.

And I'm transformed into someone who loves him. It's not all the time, but it's enough.

Things get tough for Alicia and John when they discover that John is schizophrenic and suffering from delusions. However, Alicia is pretty strong, and uses her memories of the man she married to keep their love intact.