A Beautiful Mind Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from A Beautiful Mind.

Quote #4

JOHN: Dr. Rosen said…

PARCHER: Rosen! That quack! "Schizophrenic break from reality," right? Psychological bulls***! Look at me, John. John, look at me. Do I look like I'm imagined?

Here, you can see John is trying to stay in reality, but his hallucination is being pretty convincing, it seems. Soon, Parcher has John believing that the doctors were wrong, and Parcher is the one telling him the truth. (It's so not true, though.)

Quote #5

DR. ROSEN: There's no theorem, no proof. You can't reason your way out of this.

JOHN: Why not? Why can't l?

DR. ROSEN: Because your mind is where the problem is in the first place.

JOHN: I can do this. I can work it out. All I need is time.

John continues to struggle with sorting out fact from fiction, until he manages to latch on to one key observation: one of his hallucinated buddies, Marcee (Charles' niece), has remained a child the entire time he's "known" her. As in, she hasn't aged a bit. So, he is able to accept once again that he's experiencing hallucinations.

His doctor, Dr. Rosen, wants to bring him into the hospital for more treatment, but John really wants the chance to put his crazy amazing brains toward solving his own issues. Dr. Rosen isn't buying that it's possible, though.

Quote #6

ALICIA: You almost ready? Rosen's waiting outside.

JOHN: I can't go back to that hospital. I won't come home.

ALICIA: He said that if you said that, he has commitment papers for me to sign.

JOHN: Well, maybe you won't sign them. Maybe you'll just give me some time. I will try to figure this out.

When John tells Alicia that he really doesn't want to go back into treatment, they discuss the possibility of having him committed against his will, which is what Dr. Rosen wants. However, Alicia decides to let him have his way and help him try to figure out another way to get better.