A Beautiful Mind Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from A Beautiful Mind.

Quote #7

JOHN: Oh, I see, so you came here to find out if I was crazy? Find out if I would screw everything up if I actually won? Dance around the podium, strip naked and squawk like a chicken, things of this nature?

THOMAS: Something like that, yes.

JOHN: Would I embarrass you? Yes, it is possible. You see, I am crazy. I take the newer medications, but I still see things that are not here. I just choose not to acknowledge them. Like a diet of the mind, I choose not to indulge certain appetites.

John hasn't completely won the war or become "cured," but he's definitely made progress in coping and preventing the hallucinations from taking over the way they used to.

Quote #8

PROFESSOR 1: Professor Nash. It's good to have you here, John.

JOHN: Thank you.

PROFESSOR 2: It's an honor, sir.

JOHN: Thank you very much.

At the end of the film, when John and the dude from the Nobel committee discuss the possibility of giving John the award, they have tea in the faculty lounge. While they're sitting there, a bunch of professors come up to John and carry out this ritual of giving him their pens, which is how these guys honor colleagues for a lifetime of achievements. It's a pretty big moment that shows just how much John has been able to do with his life, despite crazy difficult odds.