A Break With Charity Resources


Greetings, Ann Rinaldi

Get to know Ann Rinaldi and learn how she started writing for young adults. The story might surprise you.

Articles and Interviews

Get Up-Close-and-Personal with Ann Rinaldi

Check out this interview where Rinaldi dishes on how being a reporter helps her write her historical books.

Seriously, This Book Rocks

This review is short, but the folks at Publishers Weekly sure do like A Break with Charity. (And here's a secret: so do we.)

Would You Like to Poke Ann Putnam?

Ever wonder what Ann Putnam would look like on Facebook? Well here's your answer.


Suspense is the Name of the Game in Salem

Some kids made a seriously rad trailer for this book as a school project.


Touring Salem

Take a look at this 1692 map of Salem and see if you can get around town.

Don't Smile for the Camera

It's not the happiest pic, but here's an image of Bridget Bishop getting ready to be hanged.

Trial Time: Better Start Acting Crazy

This illustration from the 1800s has one of the afflicted girls pretending to be possessed. It's not a pretty sight.

You're Under Arrest

Check out the arrest warrant for Elizabeth Proctor and Sarah Cloyce.