A Canticle for Leibowitz Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But I, too, am a member of a oneness, thought Dom Paulo, a part of a congregation and a continuity. Mine, too, have been despised by the world. Yet for me the distinction between self and nation is clear. (16.92)

Like Francis before him, Dom Paulo has become part of a whole. He lets that "oneness" have power over him. But unlike Francis, Dom Paulo understands how institutions can take over your own interests, and willfully chooses the Church over the government.

Quote #5

"Let's be frank with each other, Father. I can't fight the prince who makes my work possible—no matter what I think of his policies or his politics. I appear to support him, superficially, or at least to overlook him—for the sake of the collegium." (21.59)

The state is gaining power, and that puts it in direct competition with the Church. It's like one is Batman, the other is the Joker, and we're all stuck in the middle.

Quote #6

"To serve God first, or to serve Hannegan first—that's your choice." "I have little choice, then," answered the thon. "Would you have me work for the Church?" The scorn in his voice was unmistakable. (21.73-74)

Taddeo is Dom Paulo's foil for many reasons. This is one. Like Dom Paulo, Taddeo made a choice to let an organization have power over him, and he made that choice willfully. He simply chose differently than Dom Paulo; he chose the state.