Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Family Quotes
One day it occurred to me that the warm, squeaky, smelly things squirming around next to me were my brothers and sister. I was very disappointed. (1.1)
Love Quotes
In the Yard I adjusted quickly to life in the pack, I learned to love Senora and Carlos and Bobby. (4.2)
Loyalty Quotes
Fast seemed overcome with sadness, and it took me a moment to understand: Sister, his favorite companion, was gone, as lost to us as was Hungry. (1.59)
The Home Quotes
Our den was scooped out underneath the black roots of a tree, and was cool and dark during the heat of the day. (1.4)
Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes
There were different rules when humans were involved. (3.55)
Mortality Quotes
The scent of death, recognizable to me as any memory, wafted off of Hungry in the dry, dusty air. (1.55)
Language and Communication Quotes
I felt Mother's fear ripple across her back. (1.20)
Abandonment Quotes
Something told me that one of those days she wouldn't come back. We would have to fend for ourselves. […] Mother wouldn't be there to look after me. (1.33)