A Little Less Girl Kevin a.k.a. Blister Quotes

"Shut up, you ass." Blister looked at me. "Hey, speaking of Dani, you don't seem interested in dating her. It's—it's just an observation," he stuttered. "Plus I figured since she was Amy's cousin and all."

"I actually haven't given her much thought at all," I said coolly, belying the molten heat rising in my veins. "Did she say something about Amy? Did she say something about me?" I wanted to kick myself for sounding like an anxious little kid. (9.33-34)

Oh, wow—this kid has got it bad. Showing too much interest in Dani is not smart (you know, since everyone thinks he drove her cousin to suicide). This gorgeous, perfect girl cannot possibly like him back, right? Right?

Blister sighed. "Every guy at Raynesville has wet dreams about the chick, and you avoid her like she's poison. Hey, you don't think she'll off herself like Amy, do you?"

I stopped and he took several more steps before realizing I wasn't by his side any longer. He glanced back at me. His face melted when he saw my expression. "Sorry, Bro, I didn't mean—"

"Too late, you said it." I stormed past him. "And if you think self-centered Katrina would kill herself because of me, then you don't know her at all." (5.27-29)

Even Jake's best friend thinks he was behind Amy's death. That's rough. This is also a pretty interesting comment: Jake doesn't seem to think that Amy is self-centered even though he believes she took her own life. Is he right? Is suicide a selfless act?