A Raisin in the Sun Ruth Younger Quotes

Ruth Younger

Quote 13

(RUTH has her fists clenched on her thighs and is fighting hard to suppress a scream that seems to be rising in her) (1.2.66)

Ruth bottles up her anger instead of dealing with it. Her life of poverty and toil is really causing her to suffer. The prospect of a new child is pushing her to the edge of her endurance.

Ruth Younger

Quote 14

I’m all right…
(The glassy-eyed look melts and then she collapses into a fit of heavy sobbing. The bell rings) (1.2.69)

Finally, Ruth explodes. She can only deny her grief for so long until she cannot take it anymore. The rage and sadness has just gotten to be too much to keep inside.

She said Mr. Arnold has had to take a cab for three days…Walter, you ain’t been to work for three days! (This is a revelation to her) Where you been, Walter Lee Younger? (WALTER looks at her and starts to laugh) You’re going to lose your job.
That’s right… (2.2.101-2)

Walter has become so depressed he hasn't been showing up to work. What's more, he doesn't seem to care that he might lose his job. The ironic part is that if he does lose his job things will only get worse for him and his family, which would most likely make him even more depressed. Yes, it seems like Walter really is trapped in a downward spiral.