Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from A Simple Heart.
The Home Quotes
So she sold her properties, apart from two farms, one at Tocques and the other at Geffosses, the income from which amounted to no more than 5,000 francs, and moved from her house in Saint-Melaine t...
Suffering Quotes
Her father, a mason, had died in a fall from some scaffolding. Then her mother died, her sisters scattered, and a farmer took her in and employed her, small as she was, to look after the cows in th...
Humility Quotes
For a hundred francs a year, she did the cooking and the housework, she sewed, washed and ironed, she could bridle a horse, fatten the poultry and churn the butter, and she was unfailingly loyal to...
Society and Class Quotes
For half a century, the bourgeois ladies of Pont-l'Évêque envied Madame Aubain her maid Félicité.
Wealth Quotes
Madame Aubain had married a handsome but penniless young man, who had died at the beginning of 1809, leaving her with two very young children and a mountain of debts. (1.3)
Mortality Quotes
Madame Aubain had married a handsome but penniless young man, who had died at the beginning of 1809, leaving her with two very young children and a mountain of debts. (1.3)