A Small Place Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from A Small Place.

Power Quotes

You may be the sort of tourist who would wonder why a Prime Minister would want an airport named after him—why not a school, why not a hospital, why not some great public monument? (1.1)

Foreignness and 'The Other' Quotes

Since you are a tourist, the thought of what it might be like for someone who had to live […] in a place that suffers constantly from drought […] must never cross your mind. (1.1)

Race Quotes

Since you are a tourist, a North American or European—to be frank, white—and not an Antiguan black returning to Antigua, […] you move through customs with ease. (1.2)

Memory and the Past Quotes

The sign hangs there […] and you might see this as a sort of quaintness on the part of these islanders, these people descended from slaves—what a strange, unusual perception of time they have....

Slavery Quotes

You have brought […] books explaining how the West […] got rich not from the free [..] labour, for generations, of the people like me you see walking around you in Antigua but from the ingenuit...

Visions of Antigua Quotes

(when the Queen came, all the roads that she would travel on were paved anew, so that the Queen might have been left with the impression that riding in a car in Antigua was a pleasant experience) (...

Wealth Quotes

When this family first came to Antigua, they sold dry goods door to door from suitcases they carried on their backs. Now they own a lot of Antigua; they regularly lend money to the government. (1.3)

Language and Communication Quotes

There was a law against using abusive language. Can you imagine such a law among people for whom making a spectacle of yourself through speech is everything? (1.2)