A Step from Heaven Passivity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

After the police handcuff Apa and take him away, Uhmma drives down to the police station with her face so badly bruised and misshapen an officer forces her to go to the hospital. Even after ten stitches on the cut above her eyebrow, two stitches on the corner of her lip, and taped ribs, Uhmma will not press charges. "My huh-su-bun," she tells them. (29.1)

Is this loyalty or is it passivity? Or are the two the same thing in this case? Uhmma won't press charges on her abusive husband even though it's clear that he's a grade-A jerk/criminal. What would be the right thing to do? Is pressing charges the only way to be an active, powerful person in this situation?