A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She listened to everybody’s troubles but no one listened to hers. But that was right because Sissy was a giver and never a taker. (11.18)

Most people play different roles in families. Sissy plays the role of the compassionate giver, and she is there for everyone. The trouble is that no one is really there for her.

Quote #8

“All of us are what we have to be and everyone lives the kid of life it’s in him to live. You’ve got a good man, Katie.”

“But he drinks.”

“And he always will until he dies. There it is. He drinks. You must take that along with the rest.” (11.30-32)

“I am what I am and that’s all that I am” Anyone? Anyone? Yep, that’s Popeye. That’s kind of what Sissy tells Katie. She’s got to accept Johnny for who he is. He may be a drunk, but in many ways, he is a good man. What do you think of this advice?

Quote #9

“What Sissy does is her own business until her own business makes a think like this happen. I’ve got a growing girl, so have you, we mustn’t let Sissy come into our homes again. She’s bad and there’s no getting around it.” (14.26)

Family members fight, and sometimes they say awful things to each other. They also do awful things sometimes and stop talking. If they are lucky, they make-up, piece relationships back together, and try again. This is what happens with Sissy and the rest of the family.