A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

He missed Johnny. That was it. And it wasn’t the money, either, because Johnny always owed him. He had liked having Johnny around because he gave class to the place. (38.50)

This is a bit ironic, isn’t it? Mr. McGarrity is a rich guy and Johnny is a poor guy, and yet the poor guy is the one who brings the class to McGarrity’s bar. It is usually assumed that only rich people have class, so this is pretty ironic—and might show how the author believes that class stereotypes are often wrong.

Quote #11

“The difference between rich and poor,” said Francie, “is that the poor do everything with their hands and the rich hire hands to do things. We’re not poor any more. We can pay to have some things done for us."

“I want to stay poor, then,” said Katie “because I like to use my hands.” (45.88-89)

Different classes sometimes value different things. What else do you think Mama might have a hard time with now that she is a wealthier woman?