A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

“The neighborhood stores are an important part of a city child’s life. They are his contact with the supplies that keep life going; they hold the beauty that his soul longs for; they hold the unattainable that he can only dream and wish for.” (16.1)

The things they look at (and from time to time buy) in the neighborhood stores shows us a lot about the culture of the time. For example, one thing we learn about their time in a store is a little about some crazy fashion trend called spats that stylish men wore to cover their boots.

Quote #8

Three thousand children crowded into this ugly brutalizing school that had facilities for only one thousand. (19.7)

Is overcrowding a problem in your school? Is it fair that some neighborhoods have better schools than others? How can we fix this problem?

Quote #9

“Yes, but they give us each a time so that the voting is staggered. . .you know, not everyone coming in a bunch.”

“Why?” persisted Francie.

“‘Cause,” Johnny evaded.

“I’ll tell you why," broke in Mama. “They want to keep tabs on who’s voting and how. They know when each man’s due at the polls and Got help him if he doesn’t show up to vote for Mattie.” (24.106-109)

Corruption in the political system is not a new thing. In fact, it seems like it was worse before.