A White Heron Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

They were going away from whatever light there was, and striking deep into the woods, but their feet were familiar with the path, and it was no matter whether their eyes could see it or not. (1.1)

In this case, Sylvia really does know the forest like the back of her hand. This passage also serves to remind us how connected Sylvia is to animals—she refers to herself and her cow as "we." Aw.

Quote #2

The good woman suspected that Sylvia loitered occasionally on her own account; there never was such a child for straying about out-of-doors since the world was made! (1.2)

Even Sylvia's grandmother can see how attached Sylvia is to nature. But if the previous passage is any indication, then Sylvia's not necessarily loitering—she's just taking it all in.

Quote #3

It was a good change for a little maid who had tried to grow for eight years in a crowded manufacturing town, but [...] it seemed as if she never had been alive at all before she came to live at the farm. (1.2)

Now we find out that Sylvia was actually born a city girl, despite her obvious fear of people. Growing up in the city likely makes Sylvia more appreciative of the calm that nature has to offer.