Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from A White Heron.
Man and the Natural World Quotes
They were going away from whatever light there was, and striking deep into the woods, but their feet were familiar with the path, and it was no matter whether their eyes could see it or not. (1.1)
Isolation Quotes
Besides, Sylvia had all the time there was, and very little use to make of it. (1.2)
Awe Quotes
Sylvia's heart gave a wild beat; she knew that strange white bird, and had once stolen softly near where it stood in some bright green swamp grass. (1.23)
Choices Quotes
"I can't think of anything I should like so much as to find that heron's nest," the handsome stranger was saying. "I would give ten dollars to anybody who could show it to me." (1.24)
Youth Quotes
The companions followed the shady wood-road, the cow taking slow steps and the child very fast ones. (1.4)