A Year Down Yonder Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I expected Grandma to be a target. Old people in big houses were. But then Grandma wasn't just any old person. What the Halloweeners didn't know was that Halloween was her favorite holiday. And being mostly boys, they didn't seem to remember this lesson from year to year. (2.3)

Mary Alice fears that the teenage boys will target Grandma Dowdel for their Halloween pranks, but she needn't worry. Grandma Dowdel can certainly hold her own, and takes pride in tormenting those boys right back.

Quote #2

"I'll leave this wire stretched till morning. Watch your step on the way to the house," Grandma said. "I'll be along in a little while."

She meant she was going to use her privy, and she spoke with some satisfaction because it was still there to use. (2.35-36)

Ten points to Grandma Dowdel! She has managed to thwart and humiliate the Halloween pranksters. Plus, she's kept her privy standing. This has been a good night for Grandma.

Quote #3

An awful thought struck me. A turkey shoot? What if Grandma took part? I remembered Grandpa Dowdel's old twelve-gauge double-barreled Winchester behind the woodbox. (3.17)

It's no wonder that Mary Alice worries that her grandmother will want to take place in the turkey shoot, even though it's just for men and boys. Grandma Dowdel has never been one to let anything stand in the way of her winning…but thankfully, this time she's just going for the burgoo. Yeah, right.