A Year Down Yonder Resources


Read All About It!

Learn more about Richard Peck and all of his works. He's a prolific writer, so you won't run out of material anytime soon.

Kids Only

Richard Peck states that he usually writes in the first person because it keeps the perspective young, instead of letting his own adult voice seep into it.

Articles and Interviews

Getting Out of the Groove

Richard Peck has gotten quite a bit of acclaim for the Grandma Dowdel books, which are filled with American nostalgia. But he doesn't want to get stuck in a groove by just continuing to write about the same thing.

Childhood Dreams

Even though he took on other careers as a young man, Richard Peck notes in a Q&A that he knew he wanted to be a writer when he was a mere tot of four years old.


A Full-Figured Woman

In case you doubted the fact that Kate Smith, the Songbird of the South, was a big celebrity in her day, here's a sample from her TV show.


Listen Up

Prefer to consume your books by listening to them? Spend three hours with Lois Smith's magical narration.


Blue Bird Express

Mary Alice always talks about riding the Wabash Blue Bird, which was a real train back in the day.

The Beginning of it All

If you look at the cover of A Year Down Yonder, you can see Grandma Dowdel standing up and larger than life, waiting for Mary Alice to come join her.